10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year! Don’t you just love it? The room is abuzz with excitement. Everyone is all dressed up and giddy. Champagne is flowing and voices are getting louder and louder. There’s an old timer in the center of the room telling stories of years gone by and a young man in the corner mustering up the courage to kiss his date at midnight.
New Year’s Eve is one of the best nights of the year! It’s a time where you get to say goodbye to the months behind you: the successes, mistakes, regrets, joys, and look ahead to what the next year will bring. And after the year the world just experienced, everyone is doubling their wishes for 2021!
Wishes For You in the New Year
New Year’s marks the end of the holiday season. So chances are you’ve already finished your gift shopping list and you’re looking ahead to the future. Time to pull out that 2021 Planner you never thought you’d use! Here are a few things to mark down in your calendar:

Health: After the year of the pandemic, health is the number one wish for this upcoming year! Everyone is wishing for no sickness and for healing for those already affected by COVID-19. We would love to see the world go back to a sort of normal where we can all be together again. We hope that everyone will stay safe and healthy this year!
Prosperity: Following in the same vein as health, we wish for prosperity for you and your loved ones this year. The entire world took an economic hit because of the pandemic, so now we hope that everyone can bounce back better than before. Maybe that means your business will pick up, or you’ll get that new job, or something else entirely!
Love: This is your year! This is the year to tell him you love him, to tell her you want to be more than friends. Go for it! But love can be more than just romantic. We hope that 2021 brings you closer to family and friends and lets you do all the things that you love!
Happiness: But most of all, we wish for you to find happiness this year. Whatever that may mean for you. We hope that you can find peace and rest and joy that will carry you all year long! And then spread that happiness and cheer to everyone you meet!
Have a Happy, Safe, and Lovely New Year!